Mfundishi Jhutyms Ka n Heru Hassan Kamau Salim is a holistic Kultural custodian of traditional Afrikan Kulture and ancient Kemet. Mfundishi (pronounced M-foon-dee-shee) Is an Author, poet, playwright, Story-Teller, Professor of Afrikan Studies, Kemetologists, Kemet High Priest, Spiritual Guide, lecturer, motivational speaker and Grand master in the Mentchu Afrikan combat system of Kupigana Ngumi. He is a teacher and professor of Afrikan studies who specializes in the Nile Valley Kulture of North east Afrika and the Mdw Ntchr (Hieroglyphics), and has taught nationally in the United States of America, the Caribbean's, Europe and Africa, lecturing in over 150 Collages and Universities. He has traveled to over 25 Afrikan countries and has visited the Nile Valley over 27 times. He was initiated as a High Priest and a Chief in Africa, later to become a Kemet High Priest of Kera Jhuty Heru Neb Hu Per Ankh (House of Life), a 501 (c) 4 nonpro t spiritual, educational and Kultural organization. He is one of the rare certi ed Afrikan-centered teachers of the Mdw Netcher (Egyptian Hieroglyphics) and a Doctor of Naturopathy. For over 50 years, he trained in the Mentchu holistic healing sciences and is a Grand Master in the Afrikan Mentchu Warrior science of Kupigana Ngumi Aha Kemet and the Kemet meditation and breathing system of Ma'at Akhw Ba Ankh. He also holds an 8th degree Black belt in Shaolin Hung Gar Kung-Fu. He is the author of several books. Kupigana Ngumi, his book, "Spiritual Warriors Are Healers," is a best seller among Afrikan bookstores nationwide and his new book released in 216 "Menchuhotep and the Spirit of the Medjay." Today Mfundishi operate a Kultural holistic vending both in Harlem, New York called, "Black Gold, 125th Street and Malcolm X Blvd and a Harlem base Kemet Spiritual Shrine, that offers a wide range of programs, services and products - from individual 190 Mfundishi Jhutyms Hassan Salim consulting, to seminars, retreats, rites of passages, cultural trips, conferences and keynote speeches. To contact Mfundishi, please visit their websites or Facebook: Mfundishi Jhutyms, Email: