1)Table of Contents 2)Table of Figures 3)PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE PERT-M-HERU 4)Preface9 5)A New Translation of the Prt M Hru 6)Author's Foreword 7)Who Were the Ancient Egyptians and What is Yoga Philosophy? 8)"Our people originated at the base of the mountain of the Moon, at the 9)Who Am I? 10)Who am I? What is this mind which perceives? What is this universe made of? Is there a God? 11)Yoga Philosophy and the World Religious Philosophies Defined 12)The Tree Stages of Religion 13)Selected Spiritual Philosophies Compared 14)Origins and Basis of Mysticism in the Rau nu Pert em Hru 15)INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF The PERT EM HERU 16)Ancient Egyptian Religion as Yoga 17)The Study of Yoga 18)The Stages of Human Spiritual Evolution and Aspiration 19)The Evolution of The Book of Coming Forth By Day 20)The Elements of the Human Personality 21)"Get thyself ready and make the thought in you a stranger to the world-illusion" 22)More Mystical Implications of the Name 23)The Mystical and Cosmic Implications of the Elements of the Personality 24)"Get thyself ready and make the thought in you a stranger to the world-illusion" 25)PART TWO: TRANSLATED SELECTED CHAPTERS OF THE PERMHERU 26)TRANSLATION FORMATS USED FOR PRESENTING THE TRANSLATIONS 27)Conventional Interlinear Format 28)Trilinear Contextual Format 29)Reading the Philosophy Embedded in Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writings 30)Simple determinatives that appear most frequently. 31)Spoken Offering Invocation Used Before Studying The Ancient Scriptures 32)SPOKEN OFFERING: Invocatory prayer for peace and success on the spiritual journey-to be read prior to engaging a study of the Pert-m-Heru 33)Opening Hymns from the Pert-m-Heru Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead 34)Chapter 1: Beginning the Words by Which a Person Can Become Enlightened -Originally Presented in the Book "THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD (c)2000. Translation by Dr. Muata Ashby Translation Level 3 (c)2016 35)Hymn to Amun-Ra from Pert-m-Heru Papyrus HUNEFER. Hieroglyphic translation by Muata Ashby (c)2016 36)Painting From The Tomb of Queen Nefertary With Adoration and Revelation of Amun Ra 37)Translation of Panel Image from the Tomb of Nefertary with adoration to Amun-Ra 38)Chapter 21: Proceedings from the 2014 Neterian Conference and Festival Pert-m-Heru Lecture on Highlights of Chapter 21 of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead 39)Chapter 175 PMH Pertemheru Chapter Section: Conversation with Temu -Presented at the 2015 Neterian Conference. Translation by Dr. Muata Ashby 40)HYMN TO RA BY HUNEFER. Presented at the 2015 Neterian Conference. Translation by Dr. Muata Ashby 41)Chapter 4/17 Sections: Heru with Two heads and Two paths; A Follower of Neberdjer from the Pert-m-Heru - Translation by Dr. Muata Ashby 42)Heru with Two Heads and Two Paths 43)A Follower of Neberdjer 44)Translation of the word- Neberdjer 45)Chapter 19 of Pert-m-Heru From the 2013 Neterian Conference - Presented by Dr. Muata Ashby 46)Chapter 18/110 of Pert-m-Heru From the 2012 Neterian Conference Presented by Dr. Muata Ashby 47)Chapter 11/23 of Pert-m-Heru Presented at the 2011 Neterian Conference - Translation by Dr. Muata Ashby 48)Coffin Text: Invocation 714: Becoming Nun, The primeval Ocean 49)Chapter 31/64 of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead translated by Dr. Muata Ashby and presented at the 2008 Neterian Conference 50)Chapter 30A (section) Pert-m-Heru: The Heart as Cause of Incarnation, Ma'at as the path of Enlightenment 51)Chapter 7/151 Section 3 Pert-m-Heru Hymn by Aset from PertemHeru- Translation by Dr. Muata Ashby (C)2000-2013 Sema Institute 52)Chapter 12/25 of the Pert-m-Heru: Remembering one's name after death. Translation by Dr. Muata Ashby (c)2000-2015 53)INDEX