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Egyptian Book of the Dead Hieroglyph Translations #3

Egyptian Book of the Dead Hieroglyph Translations #3 - Muata Ashby
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Muata Ashby

$38 paperback

Translations of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic chapters and sections of the Book of the Dead with Trilinear translation format. Understanding the Mystic Path to Enlightenment Through Direct Readings of the Sacred Signs and Symbols of Ancient Egyptian Language With Trilinear Deciphering Method. This new volume contains original translations of Chapters of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (Book of Coming Forth By Day) displaying the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs with word for word translations plus the innovative "Trilinear System", a technique developed by Dr. Muata Ashby to bring out the depths of the Kemetic/Neterian Sebait or Ancient Egyptian Mysteries philosophy. This is an ideal study guide for approaching the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic writing in a step by step manner through three layers of descriptive translation. This volume includes translations presented at the annual Neterian Conferences over the last fifteen years and also includes new texts never before published. This book provides new and deeper and direct insights into the Egyptian Mysteries for beginning, advancing and advanced aspirants alike as it may be used as a philosophy study reference, a textbook, or as a reader for daily spiritual study or ritual worship.

Table of Contents: Origins and Basis of Mysticism in the Rau nu Pert em Hru INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF The PERT EM HERU PART TWO: TRANSLATED SELECTED TEXTS OF THE PERMHERU TRANSLATION FORMATS USED FOR PRESENTING THE TRANSLATIONS Conventional Interlinear Format Trilinear Contextual Format Reading the Philosophy Embedded in Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writings TEACHINGS FROM NEW KINGDOM PERTMHERU (Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead) Late Period Pert-M-Heru: Mysticism of the Book of Breathings Book of the Dead- Book of Breathings: Commencement and Purification with Incense and Natron